Monday, December 7, 2015


First off, things are going SUPER well with María Elena our investigator. After going to church and having a really good experience, she has now decided to get baptized!!! Elder Gonzalez and I are extremely excited! When we first arrived in the area she was one of the very first people we visited and our first impression was "Ehhh.. she doesn't have much promise" But now, after almost 3 months of work with her and being of the brink of stopping teaching her about 5 times, all our hard work is going to pay off for her and she is going to be able to enter into the covenant of baptism!!! So hopefully next week ill have some pictures of her baptismal service!!

Also, this Wednesday I turned 21... I feel exactly the same, but its super weird to know that I'm now one of those "old people" who I always looked up to as a kid. Thursday night we were going to order pizza for my birthday, but we figured out that all the pizza places close early or dont have delivery to our house. So the pizza party is still pending. I"ll probably do it this week.

Also, on my birthday we got to check out for the first time the initiative "A Savior is born" :D Happy Birthday Elder Wagner!

The zone leaders told us last week that we were going to have our zone meeting on Saturday instead of Friday and that is was going to be about 6 hours long starting at 1pm instead of starting at 9am and only being about 3 hours. It turns out, the stake presidency in our stake wanted to throw us a christmas dinner!!! I took a lot of pictures, you"re welcome! everyone loves pictures!!!

Yesterday at church, María Elena had some doubts during Sunday school and it was worrying Elder Gonzalez and I. After church, my companion told me that María called and said she wanted to meet with us and is was important. I got super worried and prepared myself really well to answer all the doubts she had while at church. When we arrived she was really happy and said "happy birthday!" it turns out that while we were in divisions Elder Gonzalez and her had planned to make me my favorite Mexican food and watch "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration" to celebrate my birthday. So i had a small birthday party with them and a recent convert: Rogelio. It was awesome!

My scripture to ponderize this week: D&C 6:19

Challenge: Check out and then share this page: Rejoice! A Savior is born! The challenge is to discover for yourself the importance of Jesus Christ and then share what you discover!!! #asaviorisborn 

Thank you for all the birthday wishes! I love you all!

Elder Wagner

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