Monday, November 30, 2015

Week Sixty-nine: Divisions and zone activity!

This week I went on divisions with Elder Porras who is from Guatemala! He taught me how to speak in "Vos" which is another form of Spanish that is used in central and south America, so I'm pretty excited about that. Also, while on divisions in his area (Which in named Tonalá, a famous market for art and stuff like that) we went to visit a member and when we went in I realized that it was a pottery shop!!! I was pretty excited. I took quite a few pictures haha. So I was talking with the guys there and they asked if i knew how to throw on the wheel and I said, "well, kind of. I took some classes in high school, but we used potters wheels with motors" *because the wheel they were using was manual. So they wanted to see if I actually knew how to throw and they let me throw some pots!!! :D

Me failing to make a usable pot -_-t

Some sweet pots that they were making in the pottery shop

Today we had our zone activity/party. I forgot my camera in the building, so i didn't take many pictures, but I'm going to try to get some from others and send them.

Challenge: This week I chose 2 Nephi 2:25 as my scripture to ponderize. The challenge is to read 2 Nephi chapter 2 and while reading look for how we can find happyness (<-- I never remember how to spell that because of the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" haha) in this life and in the life to come. The church is true and I know it with all my heart!!!

I love you guys!!! Have a great week!

With love, Elder Wagner
Elder Gonzalez and I waiting for a member so we could eat

This is how the streets are in my area...
My feet get a little tired by the end of the day haha

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