This week was my first week without my trainer in the offices. It actually wasnt too bad. I only called him about 100 times haha but he hasnt had to come back to help me so thats good! my trainer told me that his trainer had to come back about 3 times a week for 3 weeks after he left haha so i guess im not doing too bad! Its been tough because we havnt been able to leave the offices much because i had a ton to do, but hopefully next week we can leave more and teach more. My weeks are probably going to seem really boring to you guys for the next few months because im just going to tell you stories about how i balanced all the transactions perfectly and got carpel tunnel haha. Actually, theres a companionship in our district who is teaching a guy who is kind of crazy. he is pretty much a perfect investigator (for example, a few days ago he sent them a message and asked them to teach him more about baptism) but he is kind of crazy. he has problems with drugs and for that reason he has trouble understanding things, but he says hes reading the book of mormon. oh yeah and last week he asked them if he could rehearse rosarie (i think thats how you say it in english) to the angle moroni... so yeah hes got some growing room haha. Crazy office story!: im changing the reimbursement system of the mission!.... yeah thats an example of the crazy stories youre going to be receiving in the next few months haha. Also, today we were washing our clothes in the laundromat and the lady was watching the mighty ducks! Even though it was in spanish it took me back to the good old days of wearing roller skates around the house and playing hockey in the kitchen.
Challenge: Set goals. this is something that missionaries do daily and it really helps us. since coming to the mission i have also set some goals a lot more significant than how many lessons i will teach the next day, and it has helped me widen my view of how this life should be lived. Before the mission i didnt really set goals and looking back at myself i didnt really know what i was doing with my life. but now that i have set some life goals and eternal goals, i feel like i know that i need to do with my life when i get back from the mission and also in the mission. so my challenge to you this week is to asses your life and set some reasonable short term and long term goals. look at where you want to be in the future and set goals to achieve that!
Les amo mucho! Que tengan la mejor semana de sus vidas! Elder Wagner
My district before we had changes last week. |
Same people, but normal haha |
Elder Garcia, Elder Martinez, Elder Hutchings, and me (left to right). My companion and our trainers from the offices before they left. |
Elder Hutchings and me acting like were in elementary school.
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