My zone after our zone meeting with an activity with balloons and how to set goals better. |
You would think by the title that this week was super boring, but thats is probably the furthest thing from what this week was. I was crazy busy with a bunch of stuff and then a few days ago i accidentally bought bus tickets for some sisters thinking they could just pick up the tickets in the bus station, but i didnt read the policy thing and i found out after i bought the tickets that the cardholder has to be present when the tickets are picked up and i couldnt cancel the tickets, so i got to go on a nice field trip to the center of guadalajara to sign a piece of paper, get 2 tickets, hand them to the sisters, and then get on another bus to come back to the offices while i had a ton of stuff to do there. Overall the trip took about 3 hours, but i got some pictures! haha This week we didnt really have time to leave the offices and that was frustrating for both of us, but we still got some good teaching experiences in. Last change we got new missionaries in the district, so after one change we are the elders who are supposed to know where all the food appointments are and we have absolutely no idea. One day we wandered around for about 3 hours looking for the house of a sister and when we finally got there she just gave it to us to go haha, she didnt seem upset, so i guess that wasnt too bad. Also, she had an Iphone 6! so that was pretty cool. Also, when we were searching for the house i got so see my first car wreck! it wasnt really that crazy though, it was just a bumper hit thingy (i totally forgot how to say that it english) and then on our way back from house, we got on a bus and we realized that we didnt have change to pay the bus driver, only big bills and we asked if we could just get off the bus, and i didnt understand anything he said after that, but my companion told me later that he was swearing a lot and thats why i didnt understand him haha. apparently theres a device on the bus that counts all the people who get on the bus and it had counted us already and he needed money so we had to go through the bus and ask people if they had change for the bigger bills we had. We eventually found a girl who helped us but it was pretty scary haha.
Challenge: Read 3rd Nephi 27. As a missionary have come to love this chapter of the book of mormon. It explains so simply the doctrine of christ and tells us all the things we need to do to find joy in this life. i love this gospel because of how simple it is. So many missionaries and members of the church get so lost in trying to understand "deep doctrine" but i have come to realize that if we complete the commands the Lord has given us, we will one day return to his presence as long as we are obeying his commandments and staying faithful.
Les Amo Mucho!!! Elder Wagner
Some giant catholic church thing we saw. sorry about the quality, but i was trying not to look like a tourist so its kind of crooked. i had to no scope it and make it look like i wasnt taking pictures haha |
This is an example of what all the houses look like. they pretty much all have gaits and weird trees cut into squares and there is zero separation, they almost always share walls. |
A luchador wrestling poster we saw while on the bus. i didnt think this was actually a real thing here. i thought it was just a steriotipe, but its actually real! |
Some giant monument thats in the middle of Zapopan which is the city where i am right now. im not really sure what it is, its just a giant yellow arch things that goes over the freeway |
Some government military building with helicopters outside. im not really sure if i was supposed to take a picture of it, but i guess if i dont email next week youll know i wasnt supposed to and im in jail.
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