Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week Sixty-three: Visit from Elder Durrant with video and photos

Meeting Elder Durrant
 (who used to live in the same neighborhood as Elder Wagner's mom)

Elder Gonzalez, Oscar (investigator), Rogelio (Recent convert), and I

This week was going fine and normal until Wednesday night.. we had eaten really spicy food 2 days in a row. Disclaimer: the food was more spicy for my Mexican companion than it was for me. But then Wednesday night i felt really weird and felt the second round of spiciness in the bathroom before going to bed. then Thursday i woke up and felt really crappy and we went out and worked because i thought it was something small that i was going to get over in a few days. then it got better then worse, but the worst part was a raging headache and i didnt want to eat anything. we only went to our appointments and then went back to the house to rest until Saturday. Saturday morning we got up early and had a meeting with Elder Durrant which ill tell more about after this story. we got back from the meeting (during the meeting i felt fine and didnt have many symptoms of sickness) but when we got back i felt really bad and pretty much just went to sleep. Sunday morning i woke up and had a huuuge headache and couldnt even get out of bed to go to church, so later in the afternoon, the bishops sons took us to the hospital and they told me i had a stomach infection (big surprise) and they gave me an iv and medicine right there on the spot. yesterday i stiff felt sick so we didnt get to leave the house, but today i feel a lot better and we were able to get the necessities done and thats why im writing on Tuesday! Welcome to Mexico! the land of delicious food that you love and hate at the same time because it gets you sick!!!

Elder Del Toro and I. This was also my last time seeing Elder Del Toro (tear)

Elder Toala and I. This was the last time I"ll see Elder Toala
before we are both back from the mission.
He's going to play football for UW, so look out for him!
Meeting with Elder Durrant: They told us about a week ago i think, or maybe two that we were going to be meeting with him so we were pretty excited. my first thought when he walked into the room; holy cow this guy is huge!!! he is seriously like 6,8 or something like that. hes enormous!!! and he speaks Spanish! it surprises me to see how many leaders in the church speak Spanish. He is the first counselor in the presidency of Sunday school for the church, so he did a lot of activities with us to help us learn how we can teach better and be better missionaries and i liked it a lot. he helped me realize that i need to get to know the New Testament better hehe. 

Thanks for all your prayers and love!!! I love you guys!!!

Con cariño, Elder Wagner

Elder Wagner with his buddies Elder Del Torres and Elder Clifford
at the Leadership Conference 

(Left Elder Gonzalez) Elder Wagner and Clifford with their "sons".
(Missionaries whom they are training)

Elder's Gonzalez, Tzub with their "dads" Elder Wagner and Clifford
Wagner and Clifford were in the same district in the MTC

Below is a video clip of the leadership conference that Elder Durrant taught in. 
Elder Wagner can been seen in it at 1:10 and 4:54

Below are random photo's from Hermana Egginton that she posted on Facebook:

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