Saturday, May 30, 2015

Week Forty-two and a half: Transfers and blessings

Me and Elder Toala from Seattle. he is going to play football for UW after the mission

Last weekend we had transfers and it was pretty interesting... i worked all day....and was feeling kind of sick, but figured i would get over it and it was just something small, but then i woke up....morning and could hardly move because my body ached so bad. i took some medicine and asked for a blessing and by midday i was actually feeling pretty good. after church we went back to the offices so president could start doing to exit interviews for all the leaving missionaries and i started feeling really sick again. it got to the point where i just had my head on a sleeping bag we had in the offices and i tried to sleep. eventually the assistants made me go home and sleep. so i went home, ate something and slept. i wasnt sure if i was going to be able to go to the airport the next morning to take everyone home and i got really scared i was going to have to use some extreme measures to get everything done (call in the old financial secretary, talk to president, or something like that) but then by the time it was time to go to the airport, i felt pretty good again. so i took everyone to the airport and after being in the airport for 5 hours we finally got in a taxi to go home and start preparing for the new missionaries. i still felt weird and sick, but somehow i had energy and i could still work, so i kept working. Through the whole weekend i somehow finished all the changes and all the finances for the end of the month while being sick. i can say with even more certainty that this is the Lords work and that he help us finish the trials we have as missionaries.

Elder Marion and me with Elder Raya in the backround. this is 3 of the 4 elders in my first district. Elder Marion trained Elder Raya and Elder Raya is now an assistant to the president. How weird would it be to receive training by the guy who you trained?

This week we welcomed elder zurita to the offices! he is bolivian, but he grew up in provo utah haha so he is %100 american even thought everyone thinks hes latino because he looks like hes from south america. he will be the visas secretary and right now is being trained by elder guillen. my companion is elder garcia still and he is now being trained by sister guillen how to be the materials secretary. elder peterson is now completely in charge of his position (executive secretary) and im still the financial secretary.

in just one month we will be welcoming president and sister eggington! its crazy how fast everything is coming up! im super excited and cant wait!

This week i went on another trip with president. we went to morelia michoacan (my first time leaving guadalajara) with the assistants for a leadership training. morelia reminded me a lot of seattle. its really green and the climate is alot more fresh. oh and it rained a little like it does in seattle so that helped haha. it was cool to be so close to president and the assistants for almost 2 full days. i got to learn a lot and i got to know them a lot better.

elder marion, elder toala, elder raya and elder ventura (elder marions companion)
all these pictures were taken at the leadership training in moreliea, michoacan
Challenge: read Matthew 5 the sermon on the mount. im trying to get to know the New Testament better and i love this chapter. its literally a sermon directly from Jesus Christ. if we are studying it with an open heart and with the companionship of the Holy Ghost, we can learn a lot of great stuff!
Thank you for all your love and support!! keep up the missionary work wherever you are!

Con más amor, Elder Wagner

a giant snake someone had outside their house in a cage

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