Flooded Street |
This week was full of a lot of changes, but it wasnt very exciting... im not sure how that happens, but it did.
So after we wrote last week we babysat all the missionaries who finished the mission until church the next day. at church it started to rain really hard and when we left the building we found that the whole street/intersection was flooded! apparently its normal for the people who live here, but it wasnt for us! we had to stay in the chapel for about 1 hour before we could leave. also, we saw someones bumper floating down the street and then 10 minutes later some guy came wading down the street asking if we had seen his bumper hahaha. Later sunday afternoon, Sister Egginton sent us a text and invited us to the farewell dinner for all the missionaries finishing the mission and we got to go! (this is the first time this has happened in 3ish years).
Elder Garcia, Ricardo (recent convert), Juan (member) and me |
Monday we did the normal routine for transfers. Elder Zurita and i went and took all the finishing missionaries to the airport and when we got to the offices again, Elder Ramón and Elder De Los Reyes were there! Elder Zurita and i are now companions with Elder Ramón (Who is from Tobasco, Mexico). he is awesome! So this week we have been doing a lot of teaching and learning in the offices. Elder Zurita is progressing really well, i think he just has a great teacher haha. So this week we didnt really get to leave the offices, but we are getting a lot of work done here and making a lot of progress.
Elder Ramon, me and Elder Zurita |
Chorizo, Nopales, and onions. This is what we ate a few days ago |
Challenge: Find the hand the God in your life. Sometimes its hard to realize it, but God is very involved in all our lives and loves each and every one of us because we are his children. So the challenge is to look for the blessings that God gives you everyday and try to be more grateful for the things He does for us.
¡Gracias por todo que hacen por mi! ¡Les amo muchísimo y quiero que todos ustedes lo sepan!
^ Spanish homework
With love, Elder Wagner
Selfie with Elder Raya with a TON of tacos behind us |
The sisters eating all the tacos :(
"Remember God loves you"
Another Selfie. This time its with Elder Miller who went home last week |
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