STRESS. This week was super stressful with a LOT of office work. This monday, the new mission president is coming, so we were crazy busy getting everything ready for his arrival.
Monday we had our last conference with President Camarillo. we had a special training from him and his wife about the Book of Mormon and the Sabbath day and then we took a break to take pictures as zones and photos with just us and the President and his wife (picture 1) |
Here's a pic of our zone this last Monday! |
After taking pictures we had a testimony meeting with the 2 zones in our stake (the only 2 zones who went to this conference) and it was super awesome! Before the mission i just kind of dozed through testimony meetings and didnt take advantage of them but now i appreciate them! the spirit is so strong and i got to learn so much about so many missionaries who had to go through some crazy stuff to get on the mission and make huge sacrifices to be out in the mission field and that really helped strengthen my testimony about the work we are doing and why we are doing it. After the meeting we gave our "last goodbyes" to President Camarillo and his wife but instead of saying goodbye to me they just said
"see you soon! we still have work to do!" haha so i wont say goodbye to them until
monday when the new president is already here.
Other than the conference this week was full of working furiously at the computer trying to get as much work done as i could before President Camarillo leaves.
Also, we bought a ton of parasite medication for all the missionaries in the mission
so we built towers out of the boxes! (picture 2) |
Challenge: Read 1 Nephi 13. I read it this week and it hit me really hard how much it testifies of the restoration of the gospel and the establishment of the United States. READ IT! I PROMISE YOU WONT REGRET IT!
Thank you for all your prayers, love and support! i love you all! -Elder Wagner
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