All of my zone |
My district and our zone leaders |
Eating tacos for the last supper of Elder Gawrych |
The elders from my district in our last zone conference together (Elder Gawrych goes home monday)
This week was insane. i had pretty much every big event happen in one week that could possibly happen. sunday we had about 14 elders stay the night in our house for various things the following day, then the next day i had to help out with a bunch of stuff for the meetings that the mission was having. Then i had to finish all of the financial stuff for the end of the fiscal month. that night a bunch of zone leaders came to sleep with us for the leadership council the next day. the following day we had the leadership council and i was running around all day for that. finally that was all done and the next day i had a day semi free to just work on the stuff piling up in the offices. the next day we had our zone conference and i lost pretty much a full day of work for that, but it went really well. then the next day we had to prepare for all off the missionaries who are ending their mission to come to the offices. today they all got here and my companion and i just worked like crazy all day instead of having a p day and we just barely left at like 6 to eat (for the first time all day) and then write, but we only have a little bit of time because we have to get back to do more stuff for the leaving missionaries who are all going to stay the night with us until sunday night/monday morning when we take them to the airport at 2 in the morning and then start getting ready for the arriving missionaries who will arrive that same day. Overall it was an insane, stressful, crazy, tiring week... and it continues to be haha. oh yeah and through all this we found out that the family we found a few weeks ago who was really positive now doesnt want to listen anymore because their grandfather is really catholic and he doesnt want us to teach his family. But i know that through all this, the work we do in the offices is helping all the other missionaries in the mission to have more time to work out in the field and find the sons and daughters of God who are ready to hear the message of the restored gospel.
Challenge: Preserver (Endure). Life throws some crazy stuff at us some times and we just have to endure them and learn from them so we can improve and become stronger people with stronger faith and testimonies. Ether 12:6 says that we receive our testimony after the trial of our faith, so keep enduring the trials that God gives us so you can receive a stronger testimony and stronger faith.
¡Gracias por todo que hacen por mi, les amo mucho! Que tengan una buena semana! Con mucho amor, Elder Wagner
Elder Sasser (my companion from the mtc), Elder Larsen (from my district in the mtc) and me after watching meet the mormons! |
CHRISTY WARD: "Love his challenge! For me this has been my goal for the past year :) "
ReplyDeleteCHRISTY WARD: "Love his challenge! For me this has been my goal for the past year :) "