This week was pretty interesting. we had one companionship of elders almost get in a full on fist fight and another companionship of sisters yelling at each other and slamming doors on each other... so yeah i guess you could say this week was exciting.
The Spanish is coming along really well and im teaching 2 lessons a day entirely in spanish. Its amazing how in just a few short weeks i can carry on a decent conversation with someone about the gospel and teach them about it. My companion is still struggling, but i think is actually doing alright. I think he just gets discouraged because hes a little below average and im a little above so he gets frustrated when he cant remember stuff and i have to remind him. but its all good, its just another challenge that the Lord has given us and with His help we can work through it.
Nothing really that exciting is happening other than that though. i dont really know what to put in these letters because its pretty much the same thing every single day. if anyone has any questions about the exciting life of a missionary in the MTC just ask and ill do my best to answer!
For our devotional on sunday we got to hear from Jenny Oaks Baker, the daughter of Dallin H. Oaks, and a very accomplished violinist who has a masters degree from Julliard. She talked alot about her experiences with how The Lord has answered her prayers in ways that she never expected and how we should always trust in him even if we think he has forgotten us. She also played about 4 or 5 songs on the violin accompanied by her children and it was incredible how good she was at playing the violin. im not really a big fan of the violin, but she was really really good.
A mix of elders from my district and another district in our zone smoldering after devotional under a tree. |
Last week i went to Salt Lake to get my picture taken and fingerprints taken for my visa to go to mexico and it was awful. first, we got on the wrong bus, then we had so sit for 40 minutes waiting for a van to pick us up. The van tried to get us to the train that took us to SLC, but we missed it and had to wait another 45 minutes for the next one. Once we finally got to the consulate, we had to wait for them to open and let us in then wait for all 20 elders and sisters to go through the process of getting their pictures taken and getting asked questions. finally we started our route back home and it all went well untill we got to the provo train station and we all had to wait 45 minutes for a bus while we were in full suits, had no shade, and hadnt eaten in 7 hours. oh yeah and this was on my first p-day so while i was waiting around for busses, vans, and trains all day just to go through a 10 minute interview, the rest of my district was actually enjoying their first p-day. But i guess i cant be too upset because im pretty sure i had to go to the consulate because my visa is pretty much done, so hopefully i wont have to wait for my visa after im done at the MTC!
oh and theres a cold virus going around the entire MTC and ive been sick for the last 6 days so yeah even though it sounds like i had a terrible week ive actually been the happiest i have been in a long time and i love being out here doing the work of the Lord!
Thats about it. if you have any questions for me or anything, feel free to email me or send me packages or letters at:
Elder Zachary Thomas Wagner
2023 N 900 E Unit 862
Provo UT 84602
LISA PLUMB: "Pam, I love these photos!"