We had some more adventures with animals this week!
I attached a picture of a turtle we pulled out of a little creek :D
This week i got to speak with my parents and grandma through skype!! Well, it was a google hangout, but we wont get into details. It went almost exactly as i had expected.. we planned my return trip hahaha. Elder Hogge is really good at reminding me how many days i have left on the mission. according to him i have 64 days left. Its crazy how fast the mission goes by. well i still have 2 months left, but the other part has flown by!
Also, while waiting my turn to make my skype call we were talking to a member about a strange fruit that grows here. In spanish its called Yaka. im pretty sure its the same in english. Basically, it looks like a giant spikey watermelon and it grows on trees! It looks super weird haha. Inside it has a bunch of pits and all the pits are covered in the edible part of the fruit. It tastes kind of funky but its pretty good. I attached some pictures.

I spent the majority of this week in another area with another elder, Elder Clifford! His companion is having some difficulties adjusting to mission life, so we went on divisions to help him out. It was fun to be with Elder Clifford, but it was tough being out of my area because i felt lost the entire time and wasnt sure who the people we were teaching are. So it felt good to get back to my area yesterday. While with Elder Clifford, we went to his wards mothers day activity! They hired traditional Mexican dancers. It was pretty cool! its hard to explain it, so I'll attach some pictures.
My scripture to ponderize this week is D&C 42:14
CHALLENGE: This week I am focusing on improving my prayers and getting closer to my Heavenly Father by praying for others and for the Holy Spirit. The challenge this week is to do the same thing. Try to improve your prayers and pray with more intent.
Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers! They really mean a lot!
Have a great week! Elder Wagner