This week we did a service project at a less actives house who is blind and doesnt have anyone to help him. His house is TRASHED. We had to use face-masks and still came out coughing and dirty. |
The other day a less active that we are working with invited us over for dinner and while we were eating with him he asked me if i went to high school and if i went to prom (hes kind of an odd fellow). when i said yes, he said with who? whats her name? i said "Laci" my companion started laughing and said "her name is Lazy?!" hahaha people who are native Spanish speakers have a hard time with the difference between the Z, C, and S so for them everything sounds the same hahahaha so they think i went to prom with a girl named lazy lol. Sorry Laci!!
Livier went to church again!!!! This Saturday her and her daughter are going to be baptized!!! Thats the plan at least. So this week were going to be really busy with her and Valeria preparing them for baptism this Saturday! Pedro on the other hand did not come to church because he had car troubles the night before and arrived home extremely late. So hopefully we can keep working with him and get him ready for baptism soon!
Here is a photo from our zone meeting this week |
On Thursday we found a literal GOLDEN INVESTIGATOR. We were walking super fast to get to one of our appointments when all of a sudden someone started whistling at us. Normally when that happens we ignore it because its usually teenage girls or drunks, but for some reason my companion felt impressed to turn around. When he did he saw a middle aged couple walking there dog around. We started talking with them and found our that they had just moved here and were trying to find out where the church was. We told them where it was and then asked if they were members. The husband said "i am" and his spouse said "Im not, but i want to be!". and then asked if we had a book of Mormon to give here because she had forgotten her other one in the other house. it turns out that she had already received all the lessons and was completely ready to get baptized, but then they moved. Sounds like a golden investigator to me!!
The work is progressing a lot here in our area! Elder Zuniga and i are really excited and are excited for the upcoming baptisms. both these 2 this week, and a couple other possibles in the next few weeks. But next week are transfers.... part of me wants to get transferred to get to know more of the mission because i have spent all my time in the city and only left one time for a training meeting of 3 hours. The other part of me wants to stay here and keep seeing to progress of our area. well see what happens.
My companion, Elder Zuniga |
My scripture to ponderize: Moroni 10:32
Challenge/Thought: This week we did a service project at a less actives house who is blind and doesnt have anyone to help him. His house is TRASHED. We had to use face-masks and still came out coughing and dirty. *photos attached. These people are forgotten too much! Please, if you know someone who has need of your help, HELP THEM. You will make their day and maybe just change their life. Also, read Moroni 7 and learn about why we need charity to become more like Christ.
Thank you for all your love and support! youre the best!
Elder Wagner