Me with a mini banana |
Yesterday i had my interview with President Egginton and the first thing he asked me was how long i had been financial secretary. I told him a little over 7 months and he said "Holy mamacita!!!" hahaha. we talked about different options for finding my replacement and pretty much came to the conclusion that i will have to wait until November to start training his brother in law who will be coming to the mission with his wife. that means i would be leaving the offices a little over a year after i got here and would be leaving just before christmas. President told me "Well, im sorry. its kinda sucky that youre gonna have to be here for so long, but ill think about it and see what i can do to get you out of here" So hopefully with enough fasting and prayer i can get out of the offices before then, but if not ill just have to stand in the office in which i have been appointed and work diligently having faith in Christ. We also did the interview in english witch was a lot more laid back and i liked that.
Elder Mills who went home about two weeks ago (he picked me up from the airport as my first AP and was AP when i got to the offices) and me |
Me and Elder Balbuena (my third AP and Elder Mills companion as AP when i got to the offices) |
This week we worked pretty normal and didnt have anything too exciting happen in the offices.. but outside of the offices we have been having some really great things happening! We got a reference from the secretaries from the other mission (one of the elders who gave it to us was actually one of my zone leaders in the MTC, Elder McGregor) and we couldnt seem to get in contact with the reference. finally, we called the other elders to confirm the address and everything and i realized i had written down the address and everything perfect but for some reason i was ringing the doorbell of apartment 4 in stead of 3! so we went back and after about 5 minutes of ringing to doorbell and waiting we were turning around to leave and we saw two women walking up to the entrance. we asked them if they knew rosalba and she said thats me! so we got to know her and her daughter and taught them really quick because we had to get home. then we visited them 2 days ago and we didnt get much time to teach them but tonight they are going to come to a baptism we are having and were going to teach them afterward! they are really receptive and willing to pray and go to church and everything so hopefully all goes well tonight and they come to church tomorrow! oh and her daughters name is Paloma (dove in english) and shes studying to be an engineer so thats pretty cool!
Me and Elder Neddo (my first Zone Leader) |
Challenge: When i got to the offices, one of the assistants (Elder Mills) gave me a talk by someone with the last name of Skousen, that speaks about the plan of salvation and why its so important that Jesus Christ carried out the atonement. This talk drove me to study even deeper into the scriptures about this subject and i have found some JEWELS! so, i invite all of you to read Alma, chapters 40-42 in the book of mormon. it talks about the atonement and the plan of salvation and what will happen after we die. ITS AMAZING. READ IT.
Thank you for being to great people you are! Thank you to those of you who helped me come on the mission and those who continue to support me! i can honestly say that going on a mission is the best decision i have ever made in my life and it has changed me beyond belief in the best ways imaginable! THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU ALL!
-Elder Wagner