This week was pretty normal, were getting caught up on a lot of work because things have really calmed down in the offices, but next week is going to be super crazy so im just trying to get prepared for that so i dont get so swamped.
Picture: Meet Elder Guillen. Office missionary extrordanaire! sometimes the office life just gets to be too much and you need to take a quick nap. |
This week i was in divisions with Elder Sanchez (who lives in our same apartment and is from Mexico city) and we were talking about spanish and english stuff because he is trying really hard to learn english and then all of a sudden it hit me that i speak 2 languages! i had never really thought about it before, but this week i realized that i live in another country with another teenager who is from that country and speak a different language that i barely started learning about 8 months ago.... crazy stuff.
Miguel: we have been working really hard with miguel, but were not really sure if he can mentally comprehend what we are teaching him because we got done with what we thought was a really powerful lesson with really clear doctrine and powerful spirit and when we asked him if he would prepare to be baptized and this is the response he gave us... "well, i dont know. ill have to talk to the father in my (catholic) temple to see if i can be baptized again". so were going to work with him and see if we can help him see what were trying to teach.
Luis: After not talking with him for about 2 weeks and hearing that he fell down some stairs when he came to church (we just barely found that out) (oh and he is like 70 years old) we saw him and taught him a lesson and he said he wants to keep listening to us! we went to visit a sister in the ward (who is super duper active) and we couldnt go into her house because we cant go into a house where there is no male of 18 years of age or older. she came out and said that here son wasnt home and then said something we couldnt understand and then told us to wait and left running down the street. we had no idea what to think, we thought she was going to buy us something or something like that because one day a few weeks ago she texted us and told us to meet her at a street corner and when we got there she tried to buy us new shoes! so we had no idea what she was going to bring back, and then a few minutes later she comes back and right behind her was Luis! it was amazing! so we are super greatfull for all that she does for us and because of her we are now teaching Luis again!
If we are looking for the promptings of the holy ghost in our lives and are worthy to hear his whisperings, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will teach us through him.
¡Les quiero mucho! Con amor, Elder Wagner