Elder Nolasco and my outside the missino offices |
This week was abolutely crazy! mexico is so much different than america! to transport their meat they just throw it in the back of a pickup truck and then unload it from the street! seriously. i saw i little nissan truck thing and it was full of cow ribs and people were just carrying around giant rib cages of meet from the sidewalk into the store. and another time they were carrying skinned cow heads into the store... yeah mexico is a bit different haha. oh and the ther day i almost got hit by a flying pig carcass. my companion and me were running in the morning and i wasint looking and they had a zipline thing from a truck into the store and they almost hit me with it haha.
My companion is elder Nolasco. he is from mexico city and he has been here for 10 months. oh and he doesnt speak spanish so if i want to talk to anyone i have to speak spanish. so my spanish is improving pretty quick. i would like it to improve faster, but i guess is just have to be patient because faith in the Lord also means we must have faith in his timing!
for the first couple days we didnt have gas so our showers were ice cold, but we have gas now and we can take hot showers. the way they sell gas here is pretty funny. they have a truck driving around with tanks of gas and you pay the guy and he brings a tank of gas into your house and hooks it up haha. The cart that Nacho has in Nacho Libre is actually a thing down here! tons of people have them but theyre mostly bicicles haha but i think its pretty funny. i accidentaly kissed a girl the other day! we were teaching a girl named estefania and her friend joined us. as she came in, she greeted the member who was with us with a hand shake and then a kiss on the cheek like how they do it in europe, so i just kinda thought ok this in normal i guess. then after the handshake and kiss thing everyone was like, youre not supposed to do that! and me and the girl were really embarassed haha but yeah i kind of kissed a girl my first week so i guess you could say im doing pretty good lol. there are so many stories i have, but i dont have time to type all of them so i guess this is all youre gonna get this week! ok one more, whenever i tell people im from seattle they ask if i know ICarly lol so i guess its pretty big down here. seriously everyone, is pretty weird how much they like ICarly haha.
ok heres the good stuff. I didnt realize that a lot of what i was going to be doing was trying to activate less active members. about half of our day is spent visiting less active members because a TON of the ward is less active or not active at all. its frustrating because we have so many people we could be teaching, but we have to go visit less active members instead of teaching investigators or people who are interested in the church. It reminds me of a talk and i think its by Elder Holland. i dont remember the words exactly but it went something like this. If youre active, stay active! if youre less active, get active! and those of you who are active, help out those who are struggling! simple, but so true. being a member missionary doesnt always mean finding nonmembers, its a huge part of the missionary effort to find those who arent active to become active.
Also, i had a really cool experience while teaching a lesson to a less active sister. during the lesson i looked over at a picture of the Savior and and image popped into my head. the image was Jesus Christ sitting in place of my companion and i teaching the less active sister. the spirit was really strong and i almost started crying because i realized that i truely am a representative of Jesus Christ and everything i say and do should be in accordance with what Jesus would say if he were standing in my place.
Thats it for my first week in Mexico! I miss you guys! Elder Wagner